
John Rocque 1756 James StIf your property is a protected structure and you are planning to adapt, extend or restore, you will need a conservation report. I am qualified with a Masters in Palladian Architecture and a Masters in Urban and Building Conservation, but I also bring a passionate interest in vernacular building, urban morphology, cultural heritage to bear on my analysis. Every building demands unique attention.
How is it done?
I examine the possibilities and requirements of the project presented by the architectural team, I conduct a photographic survey, research the building and its context through historic maps, deeds, local history, ultimately providing a specific document to inform and guide decision-makers on planning applications. I can also provide expert evidence on planning appeals to An Bord Pleanala.


132-134 James St Elevation 2015-02-19 12.52.20  2015-04-16 15.40.39  Dun Laoghaire - Adaptation and Apartments to Rear